lunedì 29 luglio 2013

Beat the Heat readathon!

La Beat the Heat readathon è organizzata da Auntie Spinelli Reads e Phantasmic Reads.

Dovete sapere che io adoro le readathon: esse non sono altro che dei periodi definiti di tempo in cui ci si impone di leggere il più possibile. In realtà alla fin fine io leggo più o meno sempre al solito ritmo, ma mi piace parteciparvi per interagire con tanti altri lettori/blogger e divertirmi con le challenges. Questa è la prima delle due readathon cui intendo partecipare in questo mese. Ecco le regole, prese direttamente da uno dei due blog organizzatori:

  • The Beat the Heat Readathon runs from July 29th through August 11th. What does this readathon entail, you ask? Well, read as much or as little as you want – the main point is to READ! You set your own goal, and for two weeks you read as many books as you can/want to reach your goal!

  • There will be mini-challenges throughout the Readathon for participants, along with a grand prize giveaway at the end!

  • Sign up at Auntie Spinelli Reads or Phantasmic Reads. You may join whenever you like, but to be eligible for our grand prize giveaway, you must sign up by August 5th.

  • To join, all you have to do is make a sign-up post – even if it’s just a “Let’s do this!” thing - and add your post URL to the linky below! You can put your goals and progress (will be required for the final giveaway) in your sign-up post, or you can make it separate. Totally up to you! Feel free to copy and paste this handy little list for your post. We don’t mind. :)

  • In order to enter for the grand prize, you must have a post to keep track of your progress so we can see that you participated.

goalsEcco i miei teorici obiettivi per questa readathon:

  • leggere 6 libri

  • partecipare ad almeno una mini-challenge

  • tenere aggiornato il blog (lo so, non c'entra molto xD)

to read

Non so ancora con certezza quali libri leggerò in queste due settimane. Ecco un elenco dei "papabili" (per comodità metto le copertine originali, tenete presente che potrei anche leggere tutt'altro):



Qui sotto aggiornerò i miei progressi, usando come guida lo schema redatto da Jessi di Auntie Spinelli Reads.

Monday 7/29
Currently reading: Noughts & Crosses, Non volare via, Perché ci siamo lasciati
Pages read today: 224 (27+20+177)
Books completed today: --

Tuesday 7/30
Currently reading: Noughts & Crosses, Non volare via
Pages read today:  229 (46+183)
Books completed today: Perché ci siamo lasciati (Why we broke up)

Wednesday 7/31
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Thursday 8/1
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Friday 8/2
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Saturday 8/3
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Sunday 8/4
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Total # pages read this week:
Books I completed this week:

Monday 8/5
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Tuesday 8/6
Currently reading:
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Wednesday 8/7
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Thursday 8/8
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Friday 8/9
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Saturday 8/10
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Sunday 8/11
Currently reading: 
Pages read today:
Books completed today:

Total # pages read this week:
Books I completed this week:

Total # pages read:
All books completed:


5 commenti:

  1. I've read The 5th Wave and it is absolutely wonderful! I'm sure that you'll adore it!

  2. I see some great reads in there! 5th Wave was awesome and I've heard fabulous things about Angelfall. Thanks for joining!

  3. Thanks for your comment! The fifth wave seems amazing!

  4. Thanks for your comment! Uhh, I can't wait to read those two books!

  5. Lots of awesome books :D Enjoy reading them all. <3 Loved Clockwork Princess and The 5th Wave and Grave Mercy. <3
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books


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